Dear Lord, You are wonderful in everything you do. In
marvelous ways You take the full, rich life of the plant
and carefully fold it into tiny seeds. You form the
seeds according to many different shapes and sizes and
colors, so that man can know what kind of growth will
come of them. When they are placed the earth they may
look dry and dead, but when they are watered by the
life-giving rain and nourished by the warm sun, they lose
all their lifeless look and grow in an almost miraculous
manner. By the power You gave them, they take the dead
minerals of the earth and build up the nourishing, tasty
foods that men need to sustain life.
This week, dear Lord, we will plant these seeds of (wheat,
corn, or whatever it may be) that You have given us. Bless
them, and watch over them, and bring them to the full
growthand rich harvest that You wish to bless us with.
But, should You not allow them to come to full harvest,
we accept Your will humbly. We trust that You will
nevertheless watch over us and make the seeds of grace
that You have given us grow to flower and fruit in the full
Christian life that You intend for us here and hereafter.
Copyright, 1956
National Catholic Rural Life Conference
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